Is It Time to Upgrade Your Dispatching Technology?
You may have thought about your fleet operations and how it can get better. One of the most important investments to make in your business is the system of dispatching technology that your taxis and vehicles rely on.
Switching systems isn’t a decision taken lightly. It can take time for people to adjust to it, which may affect operations before it can be properly assessed.
Making the SmartMove is important in deciding dispatching technology to adopt.
Signs That Your System Needs An Update
The first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge that you have a problem, and reading this shows that you’re in the right direction towards addressing it. We need to audit ourselves, and some part of that is simply looking at our bottomline to see that there’s a need.
Hinders Growth
When you think about your revenue, we need to keep in mind that part of what limits how much can be earned is the turnaround time in the processes. The more that can be processed, the higher the potential for more revenue.
One of the simplest checks is to ask yourself if your process is creating a backlog. In other words, if the tech could not keep up to the needs of the business, then an upgrade is overdue.
Manual Processing
Another significant sign that shows you need to upgrade your dispatch tech is the lack of automating the basic functions. This includes using basic software for processing your business, as well as your accounting, quality insurance requirements, and other paperwork.
Speaking of paperwork, when the system still relies on a lot of physical hardcopies then there’s a higher chance for inefficiencies such as difficulty searching for a particular document.
High Rates of Errors
Whether it’s a paper-based system or a digital one, you’ll know that there’s room for improvement when there are high rates of errors. The specific rate can differ from firm to firm but a self audit can yield how much loss happens from a few percentages of error.
Isolate the source of the errors, and if it’s determined to be issues from the software system side of things, then it’s most definitely time to upgrade dispatch tech.
Long Waits
On the consumer side of things, a sign to look out for are complaints from passengers about how long the booking and reservation system takes.
Speaking of passengers…
What Customers Expect Now
These days, customers expect a whole suite of features as the minimum in what makes for a good taxi or personalized ride service. What threads these expectations together is an experience of convenience.
And that includes online booking apps, live GPS mapping of vehicles, multi-payment options, among others. If these are features that you think can benefit your business, then consider integrating these features into a complete package instead of getting it from different providers. There’s sure to be less problems juggling different providers and apps together down the line.
Making the SmartMove
If anything above applied to you, then the smart move to make would be to look for dispatching technology that integrates the entirety of the taxi operation. SmartMove Systems has a comprehensive systems approach that has features and solutions for passengers, drivers, back office operations, and owners and operators.
Lower Cost & Scalable
SmartMove Systems offers affordable options for fleets of any size, even as little as two vehicles and scalable to larger fleets as well and can comfortably accommodate a 200 vehicle fleet.
24/7 Support Team
SmartMove won’t leave you in the dust with support available to all fleets 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
This includes support for:
- Driver Training
- Staff Training
- After Hours Assistance
- Troubleshooting and System Improvements
- Assistance with Specific Reporting Requirements
- Everyday Assistance with Fleet Operations to Maximize Efficiency
Advanced Safety/Emergency Measures
Nobody expects, much less wants, taxi robberies or unruly passengers or driver health emergencies. With the proper dispatching technology, you can secure your drivers and your fleet.
So caring for the safety of your drivers isn’t just common sense but also makes perfect business sense. SmartMove Track can install an advanced driver duress alarm that is discreetly placed in the driver seat and is silent when pressed. When activated, all cars can be alerted and in-built GPS will guide the driver to the other taxi’s location.
For more information on the SmartMove Track, see our full set of features of protection.
Full Suite of Software
SmartMove’s Integrated Software solutions comprehensively includes solutions for your passengers, drivers, fleet operations, as well as for you, the owner or fleet operator. No aspect of your business is left behind.
From accounting to data collection to customer service to dispatching technology, SmartMove has you covered in all the right ways.
Top 5 Features Your Software NeedsDispatching Technology For Startups & Those Ready to Innovate
SmartMove Systems can handle fleet sizes from as small as 2 vehicles to more than 200. What’s more, there will be full support to fully and painlessly consolidate and harmonize the system with your employees and your workflows.
Upgrade your dispatching technology today and book a demo to see the system yourself.
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